The Most Amazing Moment Of My Life; And One Burning Question

Love Found

Love Found

When I saw it, I immediately recognized the form, the head, the heartbeat…

8 weeks, 1 day – 1.71 cm – 164 bpm heart rate.

And there are some perfectly okay with killing such beauty. I could never.

Those who perform such actions should be felled by the same fate. It is time the good people of faith and the believers in the inalienable right to life declare war on such recklessness.

Perform an action like this and your fate shall be likewise. We live by the pen in this country, but if we abandon the voiceless we will die by the sword.

Never. Revolution is coming.


It will not be long now.

It will not be long now.

This marks the end of Pocket Change. It was a good experiment.

But now I have to go organize a revolution.

See you on the other side should God have mercy on you.

For He knows I will not.

CNN: “I think that’s against the law, but okay, all right.”

Idiot. Both of them. Isn’t the reporter now complicit to voter fraud unless he report him?

VIDEO – Black Panthers: Voter Intimidation *UPDATED*

Glad to see the Black Panthers are emboldened by a half-white candidate by suppressing the vote of those who don’t fit the color profile they deem acceptable.

UPDATE: Is this what Obama meant when he called for a well-funded civilian national security force?

Cameron: McCain Most Optimistic He’s Seen Him In 14 Years!

Get ready for a long night. McCain in a squeaker once the anonymous undecideds break to McCain.

AP: Palin Cleared By ‘Troopergate’ Report



On the eve of the presidential election, Gov. Sarah Palin is cleared of any alleged ethics violations surrounding her firing of Public Safety Commissioner Walt Monegan.

Via the AP:

Released Monday, the report says there is no probable cause to believe Palin or any other state official violated the Alaska Executive Ethics Act in connection with the firing. The report was prepared by Timothy Petumenos, an independent counsel for the Alaska Personnel Board.

Awesome. Now go elect her and John McCain!

Attack Ad: Obama vs. Obama

In case anyone’s long term memory escapes them, here is a round up of Obama flip-flops. Yes, prepare to be dazzled by the total ignorance of Obama.

Normally, this would sink a candidate. Too bad this is the election of blind ignorance based solely upon skin color identification and media hype for a false prophet.

Nevertheless, we are still within the margin of error. Forward this on and fight. We will win if there is any intelligence left in the American electorate.

Obama Flips McCain The Bird Over His Lifelong Service

Who uses their index finger… then calls an audible and comes back for more with the middle finger?

He did this to Hillary too… without the use of the index finger first.

Was it conscious? Unconscious? A kinetic Freudian slip? Sure is ironic that it isn’t the first time he’s done it and at the least isn’t more careful.

Try it… no really, go ahead. Watch what he does, then stand in the mirror and do the same.

Doesn’t it take a little too much effort to tuck in the index finger to extend the middle finger for it to be subconscious? Yeah, I thought so too.

UPDATE: The first time this happened back during the primaries.

VIDEO – Malkin: Obama On Coal PLUS Joe the Plumber Snooping

The coal industry is critical in WV, OH, PA, and very important in western VA. Obama, you may have just lost the election.


Obama Forces Businesses To Close In Pueblo, CO For His Rally

Take A Sabbath Day To Worship Me

Take A Sabbath Day To Worship Me

Foreshadowing of things to come: How Obama blocked the wealth generators in Pueblo, Colorado

It appears an Obama campaign stop forced the closing of several businesses over the weekend so he could hold a rally. These small business owners evidently didn’t fell warm and fuzzy about all the hope and change carousing about their town.

Barack and Michelle Obama will be in Pueblo Saturday. They will hold a rally at 3 p.m in the Union Avenue district. But the doors to some of those businesses will be closed.

For security reasons the secret service has ordered some of them to shut down from 10 a.m. To 5 p.m. Saturday. But some owners say they lost money Friday, too, because of construction work to build platforms and stages.

“You shouldn’t just meet Joe the plumber, meet Julie the salon owner, who is mad that you closed me and ten of my girls down for two days,” said Julie Aragon, owner of Studio 127 salon on Union Ave. Aragon and other business owners estimate they’ll lose hundreds of dollars Saturday because of the secret service restrictions.

“I can’t even open my door tomorrow,” said Rhonda Murry, the owner of an antique shop on Union Ave. Murry spent $150 to attract customers in town this weekend for a large antique fair. “This was a big antique weekend and we’ve lost our revenue for basically two days,” said Murry.

The small business owners in the area wanted to know–”Who planned this?” said Aragon.

According to the city of Pueblo, the Obama campaign selected this site. The campaign office wouldn’t comment on their site selection process, but members of the Obama campaign gave the affected business owners VIP tickets to the rally to make up for the inconvenience. For some, that wasn’t enough. “Although it may be a nice picture on the wall, how is that going to change our financial status, it doesn’t,” said Terre Heath, owner of Studio 127 salon on Union Ave.

Liberal Fascism.

H/T Michelle Malkin.